Sunday, Oh Sunday. How I love thee!


I’ll admit, I’ve been a little preoccupied lately and haven’t gotten to the massive pile of books STILL PILING on my kindle, computer, and bed.

(Yes, you read that right. I’m one of those. Piling books in their bed as permanent nightly companions for unsolicited enjoyment of the most invigorating kind: ALL NIGHT LONG. xD)

HOWEVER! I plan to rectify this immediately and get through at least two books today.



Haven’t a clue which ones I’ll start with, but definitely looking forward to a full day (and/or night) of joyous Sunday reading. ❤

What are your plans this Sunday?

Are you thinking of whittling down your TBR list or finishing that book you’ve been putting off because of a little thing called “LIFE?”

Let me know! Leave a comment with the name of the book so we might discuss the awesomeness! 🙂