30 Day Writing Challenge! {no idea who to credit for this, but let’s join in!}

I haven’t the slightest idea where I found this or who made it (PLEASE COME FORWARD AND DEMAND CREDIT IF THIS IS YOURS! I will wholeheartedly award you your much deserved credits <3) Nevertheless, it’s beautiful and we should all try to join in.

Here’s the challenge:


If you do join in, you can do this whenever the heck you feel like it. But me personally? I’m going to try doing this for March Madness (…aka IN MARCH…) and maybe post whatever I come up with here as part of my meet the blogger feature?

I dunno. Either way, I think it will be fascinating to do. I’ve never done something like this on myself, sorta autobiographical in a way. It’s always been on one of my hundreds of characters (which, in itself, is telling, of course).

Hm… and even that, I haven’t done in… Goodness. I haven’t done anything like this since my first published short story collection in 2007. It’s a shame it’s been nearly a decade. *cringes just thinking on it* I suppose it’s time to start again and get back into the love to writing, be it about myself or my most beloved characters.

As for those of you who don’t want to do it on yourself, why not do as I’ve done and try taking a favourite character from a book/movie/TV show/anime/whathaveyou and answer each prompt on them? Or if you have your own creations, then make these prompts be about them. Have them answer an interview or write their own story from their perspective. That would be equally exciting, dont’cha think? :3

Anyway, enough chatter. Pass it along if you do decide to take part in this 30 Day Writing Challenge. I hope it inspires you to write like no tomorrow~ ❤

It’s Almost The Start of November, And You Know What Time That Is!


It’s NANOWRIMO time!!!

😀 😀 😀 😀

Regardless of your feelings on this writing “competition,” it is a fantastic event to participate in if you want to experience that rush as you write alongside thousands upon thousands of others INTERNATIONALLY… Everyone trying to get out that crazy story that’s been tumbling around in their head for goodness knows how long.

And what’s the goal? 50,000 words or more in a single month. Can you do it? 

I’ve been a participant since… hmm… 200…3? 2004? Something like that! 😀 So, you can just say I’m something of a veteran. Nonetheless, I will always advocate and support this event and all it’s promotion of creativity and the glorious art of writing.


PepTalk – NaNo-ing Advice: I wanted to leave you with a final piece of advice:

Speaking from my own past and current experience, “bad writing” is just as important and influential as “good writing.”

Don’t let anyone tell you differently.

“Bad writing” can be learned from, improved upon, and refined. “Bad writing” is a priceless commodity that helps you get one step closer to achieving your goal. Bad writing is awesome.

(FYI – I just don’t condone the publishing of said “bad writing” *hur hur should be obvious*)

So don’t be discouraged if you end up writing something that isn’t the greatest come the end of November. Be proud that you got it all down and written in the first place! You’re one step closer than those who are still stuck in the godawful, “I’ll write it down… someday…” phase.

Now that you’ve written your story — about 150+ pages worth of it — you can turn that junk into gold.

“Good” and even “great writing” talents can be discovered! And what writer out there doesn’t enjoy a good challenge to force you to get some writing time into your day?

So sign-up now! Get ready for November!

Just a week left until Halloweeeeen~ (Mwahahahaha~)


I don’t know about all of you, but I’m excited for next weekend. I haven’t had the opportunity to really enjoy All Hallows’ Eve for at least a year or more, so this will be a super special day for me. *fingers crossed* The weather seems to be cooperating here on the East Coast. (At least, for now.) We’ll see how everything turns out as the week progresses.

Just some fun things to make mention of:

  1. HauntoberFest is almost done! (Okay, so this isn’t really a happy thing to mention, but it is important.) I’ve had so much fun sharing some h25_41_news_fileaunting titles with you all. I hope you’ve enjoyed the process. This week will be filled with some more promising tales, so look forward to it! 🙂
  2. Friday night/Saturday morning will be our final HauntoberFest playlist! (…okay also not so happy news, but STILL IMPORTANT!) I’ll also be linking all the weekend lists in this post, so if you’ve missed anything, you can find them all in one place. Definitely enjoyed sharing some of my music with everyone. I hope you were able to find some new artists and songs to enjoy during the season.
  3. NANOWRIMO IS ABOUT TO BEGIIIIIIIIIIIIIN! (First, TRUE bit of good news thus far <3) I wait every year for this magical month of writing to start. It’s truly my time to bang out some incredible works. I’ll be making my first official post about the writing event Halloween night/All Saint’s Day. I’ve already come up with an idea, a title, and a plan. I am set to go! Anyone else planning to join this year’s National Novel Writing Month?
  4. The Secret Santa event is now only a month and a week away! I’ll have more details soon enough. For now, you can check out this post for current deets on the event. I hope we get lots of participants!
  5. Lastly, I’ll be starting back with book reviews and the like in Novemeber. I have a HUGE backlog that have sorta been put on the back-burner during October. I may or may not just dump them on here like a maniac over the course or a week. You have been forewarned. xD

Now here’s my question for you:

What’s your favourite thing about the season?

Is it the holiday itself or the shenanigans that occur all around the world? Is it the creepy aspect or fun lovin’ trick or treatin that makes you feel like a kid again?

Tell me in the comments! I’d love to get a discussion going. All opinions are welcome~


If you’ve missed anything from the HauntoberFest event, you can check out the tag: HauntoberFest 2015 or HauntoberFest playlist. You can also check the archive.