Reading Spaces #3

READING SPACES is a feature where I showcase pictures of libraries, collections, books, bookshelves, and whatnot that I find absolutely breathtaking. So I share. These become our many reading spaces and figurative lands to which we sail.

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I could only dream of having a room like this in my home (although I hope it’s a dream that comes true one day!!)

Reading Spaces #1: Who Wouldn’t Want A Library Like This?

READING SPACES is a feature where I showcase pictures of libraries, collections, books, bookshelves, and whatnot that I find absolutely breathtaking. So I share. These become our many reading spaces and figurative lands to which we sail.

Since it’s been quite some time since I’ve posted anything in this feature, I think I’ll just start numbering them from #1 and go from there. (It’ll certainly be easier to title these posts, that’s for sure! xD)

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REBLOG: Take a Peak Inside Neil Gaiman’s Library…

Fantasy author Neil Gaiman’s personal library is a book lover’s dream, stuffed to the gills with all manner of novels, reference books, and anthologies, with the occasional gargoyle or mounted stuffed head for good measure.

Literary social network Shelfari visited Sandman and Coraline author Neil Gaiman at his Minnesota home and snapped these pictures of his personal library. Gaiman’s basement is entirely filled with books, awards, and a handful of tchochkes. You can see more, larger images of the library here, but if you just want to know what books Gaiman keeps handy, Shelfari is in the process of creating a digital bookshelf based on the photos


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