Versatile Blogger Award

Thank you Otakutwins, Brianna and Angelina!! 🙂


Here is how it works:

  1. Write seven facts about yourself
  2. Nominate fifteen others to do the tag
  3. Let them know you tagged them!

7 Random Facts About Me

  1. I have a jewelry fetish. Like… I literally see some gorgeous piece of jewelry and stop like a deer in headlights and… just… STARE.
  2. Absolutely love this genre called microhistory. I honestly didn’t know what it was until recently, when it became alarmingly obvious that I have and still do read quite a bit of it.
  3. Granola bars. Granola bars are GOOD. (Especially Nature’s Valley Honey and Oats!)
  4. When I was younger, I was a big photo geek. I had a Polaroid (and eventually a Nikon) that I took with me EVERYWHERE. Now, I mostly only get shots on my phone, which is why I desperately need one that take phenomenal shots. Any recommendations, anyone? Anyone???
  5. I hate shopping. But I like things. This presents itself with problems, as I’m sure you can imagine.
  6. Within the last year or so, I’ve really gotten into reading ebooks more and more. This might have something to do with money constraints and the cheap price of ebooks as opposed to paperback but… I just really surprised myself! I never thought I would enjoy reading books on my kindle as much as I do now.
  7. My mates and I have our own calendar that we follow, which has its own set of holidays, festivals, and events that we annually get-together and celebrate. Some of them correlate to regular calendar dates, like our upcoming Aidakas on the 15th which is basically our version of a non-exclusive Valentines for all.


My Nominees~

  1. Lola @ Hit Or Miss Books
  2. Issac @ Ekostories
  3. FriendlyBookWorm
  4. Stephanie @ Stephanie’s Book Reviews
  5. Kate @ Farmhouse 38
  6. Cayce @ NijiFeels
  7. Yvo @ It’s All About Books

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