meet the blogger : issue #9 (Banned Books)

It’s been a while since I did one of these, but I figured I’d answer some questions regarding Banned Books in lieu of Banned Books Week just ending.

“Rules” are as follows:

MEET THE BLOGGER is a new feature I’m doing here on Reckless Indulgence to allow readers to get to know their bloggers (and, for me, mostly to pass the time). I always do a lot of surveys/meme-quiz things and then never post them anywhere. I figured, it would be fun to have a little section on my blog just for that purpose! Sometimes the questions will be specifically related to the topic of this blog. Other times… not so much.

This is more an exercise for me to try socializing with others than anything else. XD An avenue for discussion, if you will. You can definitely run with this meme on your own blogs. I have no problem whatsoever with that and would enjoy seeing your answers to the questions I post and answer myself! Just tag your post  with the words: MEET THE BLOGGER and then link back to any of my meet the blogger posts so I can see what you wrote!


meet the blogger: banned books

1. Do you or have you knowingly read banned or challenged books, and what are your thoughts on them?

I have knowingly AND unknowingly read banned and challenged books from since I was quite little (often unbeknownst to my parents xD). Naturally, since I read them quite often, I am drawn to the topics and material within them. Often political, controversial, alternative, or “other”… these are the things that speak to me, that I have always been able to identify with and find camaraderie in, particularly in a world so bent on casting aside or breaking the different, unique, strange, or nonconforming. I found solace in characters who were different from the “supposed” norm, who loved differently, acted differently to how society demanded they act, forged their own paths, and made their own decisions even if it left them seemingly alone in the world or on opposite sides to all they’ve ever known.

Books like this are NEEDED because were it not for them, I would honestly believe I was the only one in the world who felt this way, who THOUGHT this way, who WAS BORN this way. Because that’s what society and tradition and most religions wants you to believe. 

I NEEDED these books to keep me from doing something stupid and ending it all, because half the time I couldn’t imagine living in a world so bent on hating anything that didn’t “fit in” or “was like everybody else”. I needed to know that even if I’ve never met these authors or these (fictional) people in these books, that SOMEONE… SOMEWHERE came up with the idea, or felt the way these characters felt, or experienced situations (even if it was just in their heads) like what they depicted in their books. I NEEDED to know that I wasn’t alone. 

Were it not for many of these banned and challenged books, I’d think I really was as alone as everyone tried to make me out to believe. So I am FOREVER grateful and thankful to these books and will always advocate for them and proudly voice my opinion on why such books are NECESSARY and VITAL and LIFE-CHANGING (life SAVING).

2. What is your favourite banned book?

Gods… that’s bloody difficult. I don’t think I have a FAVOURITE, namely because practically all the books I read are or would be banned/challenged/etc. and I love all my books so there. xD

I could list off some that I love, but then this post would get godawful long.

3. Have you ever gotten into an argument regarding a banned or challenged book, and if you did, how did you handle it?

Several times. xD Sometimes I can handle it well, other times I literally want to punch someone in the face. Especially if the words “I’ve never read the book, BUT I’VE HEARD–” comes out of their mouth. I swear TO THE UNIVERSE, if you say you want a book banned and you HAVEN’T EVEN READ THE DAMNED THING— FLJANFLDNLKDNGALDNAKLNGL

4. Are you an advocate for banning books?

Absolutely not. I may not agree with all works published by all people, but I do not advocate for the banning or censoring of books.

5. Have you ever read a banned book that you actually AGREE should be banned or at least hated the content within it?

To be honest, I try not to read books I KNOW ahead of time will be bad or have a negative impact on my mind. “You are what you read, what you see, what you surround yourself with,” after all. On such books, I simply have no opinion on because I haven’t read them. However, I have been surprised by some titles because I didn’t know going into it that it would support topics or political agendas I find unseemly. 

With that in mind, there are a couple books I have read knowingly full-well what they were about or at least what people have said about them, simply out of curiosity or to be better informed. One such book was Mein Kampf, the 1925 autobiographical manifesto by Nazi Party leader Adolf Hitler. Though I knew going into it what it was about, there were aspects of it that were truly surprising to me, and — had this been an apocalyptic sci-fi or something — I even found quite interesting at times.

But do I agree with its contents? Do I promote it? ABSOLUTELY NOT.

Do I think it should be banned? Ehhh… that’s a touchy topic.

On the one hand, I absolutely do not think it should be PROMOTED, but I think in a scholarly setting it needs to be studied and dissected. I think human beings as a whole do not learn from their past which is why they are so doomed to repeat it. They would rather bury something unpleasant or unseemly, rather than study it and make the necessary corrections or implementations to ensure it doesn’t happen again. I honestly believe that if Mein Kampf were just to be buried and no one talked about it, no one KNEW about it, someone else in the future will emulate it or re-imagine it again and we could have the same horrific events occur to another group of people, nationality, ethnicity, or social class.

So do I think it should be BANNED… no. I think it needs to exist and not be buried because I think no one would like to see a repeat of past events happen to future generations simply because no one remembers or learned of the atrocities committed against humanity.

6. Have you ever considered writing a book you KNOW would become banned or at least challenged?

I have. In fact, several books sitting on my perpetual WIP would DEFINITELY fit the bill for any number of reasons. I think the only reason the ones I’ve already published HAVEN’T been banned is because they were are geared towards an ADULT audience. If they were YA books (which, I mean, they actually kinda are) I think every parent, judge, and child protection agency would be ALL OVER and banning left and right. So… yeah… >___>;;

7. Do you think censoring should be allowed in books?


This is one I’m QUITE adamant on. 


If you wanna try banning the book… FINE. I don’t agree with you and will fight you over this fact till my last dying breath… BUT FINE. Try to ban the book.


I don’t even care if it’s something horrible and nasty and truly EVIL. 


You wanna know why?

Because if you censor out the “bad parts”, then you turn a “bad book” into a “good or at least decent book” AKA YOU CHANGE THE MEANING OF THE BOOK.

I mean… could you imagine someone censoring Mein Kampf and making it out to seem demure or “not as bad as it really is”?


People — TO THIS DAY — would be going around saying how Hilter DIDN’T want to kill the Jews or he was only trying to make life better for them by putting them “with their own kind” or… oh my freakin‘ god, COULD YOU EVEN IMAGINE?!

THAT’S what happens when you censor.

You change the author’s meaning in order to make it out to be “not so bad” or “not so graphic” or “not so sexual” or “not so vulgar” when in fact, IT IS.

So, censoring?

yeah that's gonna be a no from me dawg

meet the blogger : issue #8

Alright, so I’m going to be running these on Sundays from now on. I’ll probably see about finding book tags to do for them, but for now, here’s an old tag I found on my computer from ages ago. 🙂 Enjoy!

“Rules” are as follows:

MEET THE BLOGGER is a new feature I’m doing here on Reckless Indulgence to allow readers to get to know their bloggers (and, for me, mostly to pass the time). I always do a lot of surveys/meme-quiz things and then never post them anywhere. I figured, it would be fun to have a little section on my blog just for that purpose! Sometimes the questions will be specifically related to the topic of this blog. Other times… not so much.

This is more an exercise for me to try socializing with others than anything else. XD An avenue for discussion, if you will. You can definitely run with this meme on your own blogs. I have no problem whatsoever with that and would enjoy seeing your answers to the questions I post and answer myself! Just tag your post  with the words: MEET THE BLOGGER and then link back to any of my meet the blogger posts so I can see what you wrote!


meet the blogger: favourite

1. …Book genre?

Science fiction and fantasy (SFF). Especially speculative fiction.

2. …Manga genre?

Yaoi/BL, Drama, Romance, Fantasy, Comedy. Probably in that order or with various combinations thereof.

3. …Artist or band when you were a teenager?

Linkin Park. There were others, of course, but LP was always there for me during the dark times, the hard times, the great times, and all the times inbetween.

4. …Album when you were a teenager?

If we’re talking WHOLE ALBUM, like… every single song I loved and would play the WHOLE THING ON REPEAT for HOURS and DAYS on end… then it’d be Linkin Park’s Hybrid Theory, hands down. I must have literally worn out that CD listening to it so many times.

Also, Special Mention
(because each and every one of these CDs were played just as often for various reasons):

→ Various – Queen of the Damned: Music from the Motion Picture

→ Michelle Branch – The Spirit Room

→ P!NK – M!ssundaztood

→ Sousei no Aquarion OST

→ Sousei no Aquarion OST 2

→ Various – Digimon: The Movie (Music From The Motion Picture)

→ Hoobastank – Hoobastank

→ Placebo – Meds

→ Jars of Clay – The Eleventh Hour

→ Creed – Human

5. …Character(s) from a book/books you’ve read?

It’s funny, but I honestly don’t have favourite characters in that sort of, “Oh, they changed my life” sort of way, you know? Like, there might be a character I like more than any of the others in whatever book I’m reading at that moment. Or I might be rooting for a character WHILE I’M READING IT. But honestly, it’s the story/plot, the world-building, the dram, or even the book itself that stays with me rather than the characters.

Don’t get me wrong, I love characters and I LOVE character driven stories… but… I mean, give me a vivid, juicy world to fall into and I’ll remember that WAAY more than I remember a single character (unless that character had great lines, then I’ll definitely remember them due to their quotable quotes xD)

I know that probably sounds weird. But it’s the best answer I can give. I really don’t have a favourite character, just favourite characters I like WHILE READING A STORY. Afterwards, I tend to move on and not think about it again until someone brings up the book and I remember, “Oh right! That character was AWESOME” or “Oh, I was rooting for them!/Wanted them to end up with this person or that” or something along those lines. Even the occasional “I loved [insert character name]. [They] were the bestest ever. <3”

Some characters I really liked that I can think of from various books are:
– Calanthe (Wraeththu)
– Aziraphale & Crowley (Good Omens – okay, so I lied slightly, I do love these brilliant idiots)
– Morpheus (Splintered/Unhinged/Ensnared series)
– Newt Scamander (Fantastic Beasts)
– Tyrion (A Song of Ice and Fire)

6. …Fictional world/universe?

Oh my… y’see? THIS is the sort of question you can’t ask me. BECAUSE I LOVE WORLD-BUILDING SO YOU SEE THIS IS VERY HARD FOR ME.

Uhhh…. fuck it. I’m just gonna say them all because it’s true. XD I ABSOLUTELY ADORE exceptional world-building, so any universe or world that’s fleshed out enough to actually be called such it probably gonna stay with me and be part of me for the rest of my days. ❤

7. …Place to read or listen to music?

Favourite place to read: in my room, either on my computer or in my bed

Favourite place to listen to music… honestly anywhere, but really, also in my room. Because then I can jam out, dance, go crazy, pace, or do whatever I want and truly do whatever like no one’s watching (because no one is XD… I hope. o.o)

meet the blogger : issue #7 (Reading Habits)

I was tagged by Rabbit Ears Productions to do the Reading Habits Tags, and decided to do it for my meet the blogger feature this week. So enjoy!

“Rules” are as follows:

MEET THE BLOGGER is a new feature I’m doing here on Reckless Indulgence to allow readers to get to know their bloggers (and, for me, mostly to pass the time). I always do a lot of surveys/meme-quiz things and then never post them anywhere. I figured, it would be fun to have a little section on my blog just for that purpose! Sometimes the questions will be specifically related to the topic of this blog. Other times… not so much.

This is more an exercise for me to try socializing with others than anything else. XD An avenue for discussion, if you will. You can definitely run with this meme on your own blogs. I have no problem whatsoever with that and would enjoy seeing your answers to the questions I post and answer myself! Just tag your post  with the words: MEET THE BLOGGER and then link back to any of my meet the blogger posts so I can see what you wrote!


meet the blogger: my reading habits

1. Do you have a certain place at home for reading?

I used to. My room was my reading sanctuary, but as it is now, I’ll basically read wherever and whenever I can. Even if it ends up being in really odd places.

2. Bookmark or random piece of paper?

Uh, once again, this depends on where I am and what I’m doing when I pick up my book to read. Usually, so long as I have one around, I’ll bookmark, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do, y’know?

3. Can you just stop reading or do you have to stop after a chapter/a certain amount of pages?

…Pfft ~ What is with these questions? IT DEPENDS. I can prioritize well, so if I know I HAVE to do something else, or absolutely 100% need some sleep for the next day, I’ll stop. But usually? I like to finish my books in one sitting, or at least in a single day. Doesn’t always work that way, especially lately, but that’s the way I enjoy reading. Which… probably means I’d rather not stop reading EVER, but y’know… xD

4. Do you eat or drink while reading?

Uh, yeah – both. Who the hell doesn’t? When epic shit is happening you need something to feed the munchies and quench your thirst!

5. Multitasking: Music or TV while reading?

Neither. I’m not a big fan of this AT ALL. Besides being wholly distracting… the thing with music is that it can actually change the mood or feeling you should get while reading whatever it is you’re so engrossed in. Now, I’m all for writing and listening to music at the same time, or even thinking of songs for books you read, but… I just don’t see why you’d want to influence or change the mood of the book by accidentally listening to MCR’s, The Ghost of You in the middle of a happy-go-lucky, skippitty-do-da moment in a children’s book. If you’re like me, your music will literally take you anywhere and you don’t want that shit messing with your reading groove. Not like that.

6. One book at a time or several at once?

I used to be a very big proponent for reading a single book at once, but honestly, that just doesn’t fly anymore. xD As I mentioned before, I like to finish a book in a single sitting, which means reading one at a time. But if that doesn’t happen, I almost ALWAYS end up picking up another book from my absurdly large TBR list and starting something new, and if I don’t finish that in one sitting? GUESS WHAT HAPPENS ALL OVER AGAIN. 😀

FYI – I always get back to the books I start. Just typically when I know I’ll be able to finish it all at once.

7. Reading at home or everywhere?

Everywhere – although my favourite place to read will always be in my bed, at home. I also love reading while pacing around my office at work during breaks or lunch. (I bet I must make people crazy with my dizzying march, haha~)

8. Reading out loud or silently in your head?

Hm, I’ve never really read to myself. It might have something to do with the fact that I hate the sound of my voice, especially when I’m In-Character mode and am hearing their voice and not my own. So… silent reader here! Hear me roar! *puffs out smoke*

9. Do you read ahead or even skip pages?

I do. I never used to, but sometimes I get way too excited and want to get back to something or a particular set of characters and what’s happening with them. However, rather than say this is the way I read… I think it has something to say about the manner of books being made nowadays. So many books are written as “character chapters” where the reader is bounced back and forth between different times, characters, scenes, and events. This makes it, of course, more difficult to read, but also… gods forbid you hate the character narrating half or three quarters of the book! You basically have to skim through to find the parts with the characters you like and care about, else you get bored out of your mind.

I remember that used to happen with me a lot with Animorphs. I would sometimes skip books because I didn’t want to hear the story from one or more of the character’s POVs. I always went back later, but… yeah. Sometimes, I just couldn’t deal with how they told the story, or their “voice” and whatnot.

10. Breaking the spine or keeping it like new?


11. Do you write in your books?

Pfft – is this a trick question? BUT OF COURSE. I consider a book a piece of crap if you can’t have a written conversation with it. Even if that conversation is just you yelling, raging, or screeching happily at it and translating those emotions into words (or many, MANY underlines) in it.


I tag the next 10 lovelies:

  1. Stephanie @ Stephanie’s Book Reviews
  2. Lola @ Hit Or Miss Books
  3. Anastasia @ Read & Survive
  4. 2kasmom @ Kitty’s Book Spot
  5. Yvo @ It’s All About Books
  6. John @ Write me a book, John!
  7. CK @ CKReads
  8. ReadWriteLove28
  9. FriendlyBookWorm
  10. Cayce @ NijiFeels

Feel free to ignore, if you want! I’d love to read your answers, so if you do this tag, comment below with a link to your post so I can find it. 🙂

meet the blogger : issue #6 (Would You Rather Book Tag)

I found this tag on Analee’s blog, Book Snacks, and decided to do it for my meet the blogger feature this week. Enjoy!

“Rules” are as follows:

MEET THE BLOGGER is a new feature I’m doing here on Reckless Indulgence to allow readers to get to know their bloggers (and, for me, mostly to pass the time). I always do a lot of surveys/meme-quiz things and then never post them anywhere. I figured, it would be fun to have a little section on my blog just for that purpose! Sometimes the questions will be specifically related to the topic of this blog. Other times… not so much.

This is more an exercise for me to try socializing with others than anything else. XD An avenue for discussion, if you will. You can definitely run with this meme on your own blogs. I have no problem whatsoever with that and would enjoy seeing your answers to the questions I post and answer myself! Just tag your post  with the words: MEET THE BLOGGER and then link back to any of my meet the blogger posts so I can see what you wrote!


meet the blogger: would you rather…

1. Read only trilogies or stand alones?

Hmm… difficult question to answer. I think right now I’d prefer stand alones. Granted – I love trilogies and series and all that, but I’d prefer not to be locked into series, especially if it’s going to be the ONLY thing I can read.

2. Read only female or male authors?

UM. There are other genders out there of authors so this question is irrelevant! Yeah, kay. 8D (But if I really must choose between the two then… I still wouldn’t care. Either one’s fine by me. I don’t judge a book by its writer.)

3. Shop at Barnes & Noble or Amazon?

B&N can go choke on themselves. >( I’ve had such horrible experiences in that store and with their employees… if it weren’t for the fact that I love ALL bookstores equally, I’d never set foot inside this one again. (Also, were it not for the fact that B&N is THE ONLY decent sized bookstore chain around my area in a 50-100 mile radius…)

Amazon is my main squeeze and probably always will be. (Although their prices are starting to get a bit ridiculous…) We go waay back. Before them was the ultimate of all bookstores: Borders.

Ahhh, Borders…. How I miss thee!


Rest your soul, dearest friend. *wipes non-existent tear from eye*

4. All books become movies or t.v. shows?

Probably movies. I think there’s too much room for people reinterpreting a book the wrong way or adding too much and making it drawn out and crappy with TV shows. TV shows need scripts and all that. Maybe if it was a book series being turned into a TV show, that might work? But ALL BOOKS? Regardless of them being standalones, shorties, or otherwise? Naw. Not happening. Make ’em into movies. They’ll rock out nicely. And worse case scenario? If the book’s a long one, you cut it into PART 1 and PART 2, or make it into a trilogy or something.

5. Read 5 pages per day or 5 books per week?

5 books per week, obviously~ Can you imagine only reading 5 pages a day? I’d go nuts.

6. Be a professional reviewer or author?

OUCH! Can’t choose between the two! I love writing and reviewing books. I’d have to do both!

7. Only read your top 20 favourite books over and over or always read new ones that you haven’t read before?

Always read new ones. My reasoning behind this one is simple: once you’ve read a book, it’s always with you. And especially if it’s a favourite? That book will live on forever inside your imagination. No need to re-read it a million times. Also – reading new things feeds your intellectual hunger and keeps it satisfied.

8. Be a librarian or book seller?

Librarian! Hands down~ I didn’t go and get my MLIS or nothing!

9. Only read your favourite genre, or every genre except your favourite?

My favourite genreS (yes – that’s right! I’ve got more than one. 😛 ) There is more than enough variety in my favourite genres (even in just one of them) to keep me satisfied for a lifetime and beyond. ❤

10. Only read physical books or eBooks

Oho… that’s a tough one. I’ve been reading more a more ebooks lately (for work, for pleasure) and I can get them cheaper than physical books, which is also good. But my first love will always, always, ALWAYS be physical books, so that’s gonna have to be my choice!


I tag the next 10 of my followers:

  1. John @ Write Me A Book, John!
  2. CK @ CK’S Reading Corner
  3. Lola @ Hit Or Miss Books
  4. Yvo @ It’s All About Books
  5. Cody @ Cody Kennedy, Author
  6. Hannah G @ Things Matter
  7. Bookwraiths
  8. Shelleyrae @ Book’d Out
  9. Anna @ Books For The Trees
  10. Anastasia @ Read Or Die

Feel free to ignore, if you want! I’d love to hear your answers, so if you do this tag, comment below with a link to your post!If you choose to do this tag though, I’d love to read your answers!

meet the blogger : issue #5 (Day and Night Book Tag)

Hullo all! Here’s another tag I found on Analee’s blog, Book Snacks, and – once again – decided to do for my meet the blogger feature this week. Enjoy!

“Rules” are as follows:

MEET THE BLOGGER is a new feature I’m doing here on Reckless Indulgence to allow readers to get to know their bloggers (and, for me, mostly to pass the time). I always do a lot of surveys/meme-quiz things and then never post them anywhere. I figured, it would be fun to have a little section on my blog just for that purpose! Sometimes the questions will be specifically related to the topic of this blog. Other times… not so much.

This is more an exercise for me to try socializing with others than anything else. XD An avenue for discussion, if you will. You can definitely run with this meme on your own blogs. I have no problem whatsoever with that and would enjoy seeing your answers to the questions I post and answer myself! Just tag your post  with the words: MEET THE BLOGGER and then link back to any of my meet the blogger posts so I can see what you wrote!


meet the blogger

It depends on when I have free time. Sometimes I read all through the night into the morning past the crack of dawn and such forth. Other times, I spent the whole night working and finally get in my bed (sun is up or getting there, birds are singing out my window and the world is waking up as I try to nestle in for a couple hours of sleep) and pick a book on my kindle or the nearest one at hand to read. Just how that goes.

A: Are there any books that changed the way you thought about things?

Every single book I read leaves a mark upon me – be it good… or bad. So YES – I’d say there are quite a few books that have changed the way I see things or perhaps enlightened me to something I never thought of before (or validated something I’d always know, but could never quite put into words).

Y: YA or not?

Um… I generally don’t read YA that much. At least, I don’t go out of my way to find it. I read it whenever, and I have nothing against it… but… yeah. o___o

A: Are there any characters you honestly believe to be real?

Every character I read is real. Reality and our perception of it is so fragile and inconsequential that… to believe our existence is the only one, is utterly and selfishly inane. We are NOT alone.

N: Nobody borrows my books or I don’t mind lending them out?

NOBODY. NOT EVEN THOSE LIVING UNDER THE SAME ROOF AS ME BORROW MY BOOKS. I am a bookdragon who hoards their precious treasure with icy-hot breath and talons galore. Don’t even think about asking to borrow my books. I’ll kindly toss you out on your ass.

D: Do you ever smell your books?



N: Not everyone likes books, is this a positive or a negative?

A perpetual negative. You don’t need to be as obsessed about book and reading and the written word as I am, but to not liking reading is a horrid thing because it forever procreates one of humanity’s greatest evils: ignorance. As LeVar Burton once said, “For me, literacy mean freedom. For the individual and for society.” Ignorance will forever chain you and hold you back from seeing possibilities and what it real. Literacy expands your mind and opens the doors to truth and a wealth of knowledge.

I: I keep my books in the best condition or maybe not? Which are you?

I’m somewhere inbetween. I say this because… I never mistreat my books (even when I get mad at them and toss them across the room — WHOOPS!) however, some of them have gotten a little worn over the years. Also there was Hurricane Sandy which got to some of the books packed away in the basement… so…


Generally speaking though, my books are kept with the utmost care. Some of them have signs of wear, and I have a habit of writing in them (AKA yelling at them and talking philosophy) but otherwise? They’re in good care. 😉

G: Gosh I have too many books! True or False?


H: Have you ever spilled or stained your books before with something, and if so how?

Uh… a long, LONG time ago… I had a disaster so horrifying I thought I would go jump off a roof or something. It was really bad. I didn’t spill anything on it… my elbow pushed the book I was reading near an open flame and… fljdngjndljkgnljdngjdknlj *curls up in a ball and has tiny-massive breakdown just thinking about it*

T: Toned or untoned while reading? . . or in other words. . .Do you read and workout at the same time?

UH. o_O No. No, not at all, so… uh… untoned? I don’t move around much when I’m reading unless it’s a book I pick up in the store and decide to read it as I shop around for the actual things on the grocery list.


I’m not actually using these as tags, so if anyone wants to do them as such – GO FOR IT! I’d love to read your answers, so comment below with a link to your posts if you do ’em. 😉

meet the blogger : issue #4 (This Or That Book Tag)

I found this tag on Analee’s blog, Book Snacks, and decided to do it for my meet the blogger feature this week. Enjoy!

“Rules” are as follows:

MEET THE BLOGGER is a new feature I’m doing here on Reckless Indulgence to allow readers to get to know their bloggers (and, for me, mostly to pass the time). I always do a lot of surveys/meme-quiz things and then never post them anywhere. I figured, it would be fun to have a little section on my blog just for that purpose! Sometimes the questions will be specifically related to the topic of this blog. Other times… not so much.

This is more an exercise for me to try socializing with others than anything else. XD An avenue for discussion, if you will. You can definitely run with this meme on your own blogs. I have no problem whatsoever with that and would enjoy seeing your answers to the questions I post and answer myself! Just tag your post  with the words: MEET THE BLOGGER and then link back to any of my meet the blogger posts so I can see what you wrote!


meet the blogger

1. Audio or physical copy?

Physical ONLY. I am soooo not a fan of audiobooks. Probably because I can’t stand hearing someone else’s voice

2. Paperback or Hardback?

PAPERBACK. I am not a fan of hardback unless it’s for posterity’s sake. (Or I simply couldn’t wait until the paperback version comes out.)

3. Fiction or non-fiction?

Fiction, fiction, fiction! (Nonfiction only equals about 20% of my reading time.)

4. Fantasy world or real life issues?

Fantasy, preferable. I get enough RL problems to last a century or more. I don’t need to read about more of it in my books.

On very rare occasion I might break that rule – but generally? It’s not happening.

5. Harry Potter or Twilight?

Is this a real question? Harry Potter – all the way!

6. Borrow or buy?

BUY. I hate borrowing books. I never want to return them. Nor do I like lending them out to anyone either. I’m a bookDRAGON after all. We hoard and are very bad at sharing.

7. Monster reads or short & sweet?

Hm… depends I think. I’ve never really been a fan of short&sweet unless it was in the form of short stories in an anthology of collection. I have always preferred and love-love-LOVED monster books, but I find myself having less and less time to actually sit down and read them. I hate hurrying through a book simply because I don’t have time or am supposed to get it down by a certain time. For that reason, I try to read books right now that I can basically get through in a single sitting (or a couple sittings at most).

This, however, does not mean these books are in any way short though. Oftentimes, it simply means the book requires little brainpower to muscle through and is read simply for the entertainment factor, even if still 300 pages or more.

8. Starry eyed romance or full of action?

Depends again on the situation. Romance is okay in moderation, unless that’s what I was reading the book for. Otherwise, I prefer world-building, and LOTS OF IT. I don’t really need a lot of crazy action in my books, but I really love to fall into the worlds of books and the elaborate everyday-ness of something… other.

9. Curl up in your snuggie or bathe in the sun?

Curl up nice ‘n comfy, of course! I might be a dragon, but I’m no fire beast. I don’t like the heat or the sun, so you’ll find me holed away in my lair, hoarding my treasure and sipping on coffee, tea, or wine.

(Hey! You never know what I might be in the mood for. 😉 )

10. Coffee or tea?



I tag… I’m too lazy to tag. Whoever wants at it can have it! XD

I’d love to hear your answers, so if you do this tag, comment below with a link to your post!

meet the blogger : issue #2

meet the blogger

Hullo my lovelies~ Thought you’d like to see another issue of meet the blogger. This one I found floating around on Facebook and figured, “Why not?” I’m supposed to tag people to keep this thing going, so I’ll do so. But understand, you don’t have to if you don’t want to. 😉

“Rules” are as follows:

MEET THE BLOGGER is a new feature I’m doing here on Reckless Indulgence to allow readers to get to know their bloggers (and, for me, mostly to pass the time). I always do a lot of surveys/meme-quiz things and then never post them anywhere. I figured, it would be fun to have a little section on my blog just for that purpose! Sometimes the questions will be specifically related to the topic of this blog. Other times… not so much.

This is more an exercise for me to try socializing with others than anything else. XD An avenue for discussion, if you will. You can definitely run with this meme on your own blogs. I have no problem whatsoever with that and would enjoy seeing your answers to the questions I post and answer myself! Just tag your post  with the words: MEET THE BLOGGER and then link back to any of my meet the blogger posts so I can see what you wrote!

Have fun and I hope you enjoy this! I know I did.

meet the blogger: j-themed 13

  1. What is your last name — Not giving you my last name. 😛 We’re going first name only: Jaay
  2. Name an animal — Jaguar
  3. A boy’s name — Jesse (as well as Jared, Jarvis, Jin, and Javier)
  4. A girl’s name — Jacqueline or Jolene
  5. An occupation — Journalist or Jeweler (only when I’m buying aha 8D)
  6. Color — Jet (also known as Jet Black)
  7. Something you wear —Jacket
  8. A beverage — Jack Frost (and also Jack’s Bagpipe and Jagerbomb!)
  9. A food — Jiaozi
  10. Something found in the bathroom — Jasmine Pearl soap
  11. A place — Japan
  12. Reason for being late — Jailed (AS IN DETAINED IN MY OWN HOUSE BY UNSAVORY INDIVIDUALS ahahahahahaha—no 😦 )
  13. Something you shout — Jerk! (Not really… My mouth is far more foul than that. I’m much more inclined to saying “fucking ass(hole)” or “Aho ka???!”)



Lola @ Hit Or Miss Books

Yvo @ It’s All About Books

Stephanie @ Stephanie’s Book Reviews

Linda @ Kitty’s Book Spot

Rose @ Paranormal Books

 Sophia @ Delighted Reader


Brianna and Angelina @ Otakutwins Reviews

CK @ CK’S Reading Corner

Anastasia @ Read Or Die

meet the blogger : issue #1

Heeey, so this was also supposed to be posted yesterday-ish, but wasn’t because FML. @_@ Yesterday was crazy, and if it’s any indication of my week to come then I’m gonna be in for a doozy!

MEET THE BLOGGER is a new feature I’m doing here on Reckless Indulgence to allow readers to get to know their bloggers (and, for me, mostly to pass the time). I always do a lot of surveys/meme-quiz things and then never post them anywhere. I figured, it would be fun to have a little section on my blog just for that purpose! Sometimes the questions will be specifically related to the topic of this blog. Other times… not so much.

This is more an exercise for me to try socializing with others than anything else. XD An avenue for discussion, if you will. You can definitely run with this meme on your own blogs. I have no problem whatsoever with that and would enjoy seeing your answers to the questions I post and answer myself! Just tag your post  with the words: MEET THE BLOGGER and then link back to any of my meet the blogger posts so I can see what you wrote!

Have fun and I hope you enjoy this first glimpse into the crazy mind of Jaay~~

meet the blogger

  • Do you usually sleep with your closet door open or closed? CLOSED. You must be kidding me if you think I’d leave that shit open. o___o;;;;;
  • Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotels? Pffft—who doesn’t?
  • Where is your next vacation? Haven’t a clue.
  • Do you have a calendar in your room? I do! A desk schedule-calendar for all my important deadlines and such.
  • What’s your plan for the day? I’m going to go with tomorrow’s day because it’s technically the end of my day right now so… Tomorrow I’m thinking of setting up next week’s blog posts, figuring out my weekly schedule, preparing for the upcoming week (what I need, what don’t have but need to get, etc…), READ… hopefully…, write up some reviews, update blog, read some more… Eventually have my usual movie n TV night until I’m either tired or I’m all caught up for the next week. Oh yeah, and also do a little driving and scouting out the new establishment. 😉
  • Are you reading any books right now? Yup! Too many to list here right now though. You can check here though.
  • Do you ever count your steps when you walk? Not really????
  • Do you ever dance even if there’s no music playing? Always ❤
  • Do you chew your pens and pencils? Nonononononononono 8(
  • What is your “song of the week”?  you’re going down by sick puppies and uptown funk by Bruno mars
  • Do you still watch cartoons? Uhh… not as often, but sometimes!
  • What do you drink with dinner? Whatever suits my fancy. Water, tea, coffee, iced tea usually. Alcohol or ginger ale/soda of some kind (if I’m out with people).
  • What do you dip chicken nuggets in? Don’t eat chicken. I’m a vegetarian. 🙂
  • Can you change the oil on a car? Yes
  • What is your usual bedtime? Whenever. It depends solely on how tired I am and what’s going on the next day. Usually I’m up all night, as I’ve always been a night owl.
  • Are you lazy? Sometimes. Then other times I am so pumped! NOTHING can get in my way. XD
  • Afraid of heights? ehhhhh, not afraid per se. I simply get a lot of vertigo.
  • Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? Ahahahaa WOW… UM… vet, marine biologist, writer/author, editor, Egyptologist, treasure hunter, musician/singer, artist, hacker, librarian or simply someone who works in a library or museum, boxer or street fighter—need I go on?
  • Hot tea or cold tea? Uh…. both???
  • Favorite kind of biscuit? …..huh. I… don’t know. I usually don’t eat them???
  • Can you swim well? Oh yes—OH! That reminds me! So for that other question about what I wanted to be when I grew up? Well I also wanted (KNEW) I was a mermaid when I was young and was just waiting for my fabulous tail to sprout when I got older. XD I was also a sailor scout, a digidestined, a vampire, a shifter, and a familiar. And an alien. Because fuck you, that’s why.