[Graphic Novel Review] Henni


Miss Lasko-Gross

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4 of 5 Stars

Give us a summary.

(Taken from Goodreads)
In a fantastical world where old traditions and religion dominate every aspect of life, lives a girl named Henni. Unlike most in her village, Henni questions and wonders what the world is like as she comes of age. Striking out on her own, Henni goes out in search of truth, adventure, and more!

What did you think of the book?

Dahahaha… Oh dear sweet gods. This book is GREAT. The art style took awhile to grow on me, but the story is phenomenal and the characters wonderful.

I’m particularly lovin’ that field guy who marked Henni with his ring. He’s cool.

– quoted from the dude from the field as he tells the rest of the town what has “happened” to Henni xDD


Good gods you’re rockin’ that superstitious bullshit real good. Well done, sir! Well done. XD

I wish we had seen more of him to be honest with you, but the story progressed forwards, not back, and as such… it was to be expected.

I think the scariest part about this entire book, is that THIS SHIT HAPPENED IN THE NOT SO LONG AGO HISTORY OF OUR WORLD – although it was more common historically to have the women committed to insane asylums instead of outright killing them. That would be far too uncivilized after all.

giphy (8)

I saw several other obvious historical references while reading Henni, but especially the one on pages 129-134. I mean, WOW… This LITERALLY sounds like some of the happenings during the reign of the Catholic Church during the Medieval and Renaissance periods… like… I swear to God, this shit is terrifying. o____o

Definitely meant to put some perspective to our own history, and it certainly did just that with this very visual reconstruction of the injustice served to people based on their sex, creed, religion, or origin of birth.

Overall I REALLY, REALLY liked that aspect of this comic. I wasn’t sure exactly what to expect upon acquiring the book on NetGalley, but I’m happy with my choice. The only complaint I had was that ending. I really, REALLY wished there had been more. Maybe a second volume is in the works??? (Which would be fabulous BY THE WAY *HINT HINT AUTHOR MAKE ANOTHER BOOK HINT HINT*) What a great read!

Any warnings you wish to make for your readers?

None that I can think of. It’s a tad graphic at times, but honestly – which comics, graphic novels, or manga aren’t?

Does it count towards any reading challenges?

Yup! A whole bunch. xD

Would you recommend this book?


Oh yeah! This is a good read. Some people might find the art a little weird like I did at first, but you get used to it quickly and the story really propels the reader along.

Reviewed by AMS (amomentsilence)

Publisher: Z2 Comics
Publication Date: January 2015
Format: eBook, ARC
Pages: 168
Genre: Graphic Novel, Comic, Religion,
Coming of Age, Self Discovery, Rebellion,
Injustice, Feminism, Surrealism, Theology,
Age: Young Adult
Reviewer: AMS (amomentsilence)
Source: Provided by NetGalley
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