Sorry for being so incredibly MIA guys…

NaNoWriMo-ing takes up a lot of my time and work has not been the easiest lately (getting close to the holidays so OF COURSE the world is ending and we have to save it before its too late :p).

I absolutely haven’t forgotten about any of you or the Secret Santa event. Ill have more details later this week so if you’re interested, try to keep in mind that you need a list of a few books that you want, and also be ready to receive someone else list in turn.

More to come:

  • Book reviews
  • Music will be back for our Mondays
  • Fun event stuff (Secret Santa and the like)
  • Pep Talk for those doing NaNoWriMo like me! 🙂

Hope everyone’s doing fine! (And that there aren’t too many typos in this post. Typing on a phone is crap man…)
