Splintered Locket Necklace

Though this technically isn’t about books, per se… it is about a book series I’m reading-loving-recklessly obsessing over (the Splintered series by A.G. Howard, anyone?)

I figured, I’m broke right now. But that doesn’t mean I can’t put this here to remind myself (and inform anyone who doesn’t already know) about this awesome piece of fan-merchandise for the series.

So go check it out, if you’re interested! 🙂

Luna's Little Library

Ok, one of the unexpected things that happened prior to me flying to New York was finding out that I would get the chance to meet A G Howard at one of the NYC events. She has been so amazingly complimentary about the necklace designs I’ve made that I decided to create a special thank you. Which she posted on her Facebook page… and a log of people liked it a lot and asked about getting one.

You can. 🙂

Order your Splintered Locket Necklace here!

I am unable to recreate an exact match to the necklace A G Howard posted on her Faceback page, that design is very labour intensive and the supplies used would make it costly*. I have come up with what I hope is a good alternative. It’s simpler but I think still stunning and the locket & key charm remain unchanged, which I believe are…

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Webcomic of the Day: Metanoia

Ughhh… I love this webcomic so much! I’ve been a fan for quite awhile, but then stopped reading (because I do that sometimes) in order to let the chapters build up, and boy, did it paid off!

The art’s gotten SO much better — as has the storytelling.


Only In Dreams by Melukilan

Only In Dreams by Melukilan

Metanoia’s an incredible read, full of all sorts of weird and bizarre and wonderful, and one webcomic I would recommend in a heartbeat to anyone looking for a Dark Fantasy, Dystopian SciFi, M/M romance-y… thing.


Actual synopsis is here XD :

When the first rebel angels fell, some of the angels still loyal to the Light made it their mission to counter the new demons’ schemes. Their war continues to this day. The battlefield is Free Will; humans are both the weapons and the prize. Over the ages, the opposing groups stationed on the material plane have developed into two organizations: the Veil, demons working to corrupt mankind, and the Foundation, angels working to block the Veil’s plans and repair the damage.

Both sides are bound by strict rules. The demons only follow these rules because breaking them frees the angels from the same constraints. They may not use their powers on mortals, nor manifest fully in their true forms. To get past these limits, they inhabit mortals. The demons possess their mortals completely, pushing out the mortal soul and reshaping the body as they please. The angels come only when invited, to mortals who channel them voluntarily.

And then there are the witches, psychics, and magi on both sides… Not to mention that *everybody* gets to play with lots of guns… It’s lucky for us ordinary folks that the two sides are locked in eternal stalemate, and refuse to escalate to open war.

Um… they’re *not* going to escalate to open war, are they? Are they?

Artists/Writers (Sarah Cloutier & Jesse Hajicek) are both located DeviantArt here and here. The comic’s website is here.