Tour & Guest Post — Havoc Rising

Welcome one and all to the last tour I’ll be doing for awhile. Havoc Rising is a new Urban Fantasy novel by Brian S. Leon. 

There is a guest post further in, so be sure to scroll down and check it out! 😉


Havoc Rising - Hi Res Cover

Title: Havoc Rising
Author: Brian S. Leon
Publication Date: June 16, 2015
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Publisher: Red Adept Publishing

Amazon ~ Barnes & Nobles ~ Kobo

Eternal life. Eternal battle.

Steve—Diomedes Tydides to his Trojan War buddies—just had a bad day on his charter fishing boat in San Diego, but when the goddess Athena calls on her faithful warrior for another secret mission, he’s ready. The bomb that exploded inside the Metropolitan Museum of Art isn’t the crime American authorities think it is. Someone also stole the Cup of Jamshid, and Diomedes knows its fortune-telling abilities won’t be used for anything benign.

Though Diomedes recovers the Cup from a determined shaman holed up beneath Central Park, when he finds his allies slain and the Cup taken once more, he knows he’s up against a truly powerful enemy. Over a millennium has passed since Diomedes last contended with Medea of Colchis, deranged wife of Jason the Argonaut, but neither her madness nor her devotion to Hecate, goddess of witchcraft, has waned, and she intends to use the Cup of Jamshid to release across the world a dark brand of chaos unseen in human history.

Immortal since the Trojan War, Diomedes must once again fight for mortals he understands less and less, against a divine evil he may never truly defeat.


What’s Up Next

Brian S. Leon

Author of Havoc Rising

When I first started writing Havoc Rising I did it with the intention that it was the beginning of a series of books revolving around the same character. I really like the main character of Diomedes/Steve Dore and he opens up worlds of possibilities because he’s 3200 years old. Almost immediately after finishing Havoc Rising, I started the second book, tentatively called The Hanner Brid, or The Half Breed. It starts almost where Havoc left off and takes off from there. I wanted to write a book that was non-stop in its action kind of the way a Jason Bourne movie starts fast and gets faster. It begins with Diomedes on the run and doesn’t stop until the end, when a whole new can of worms gets opened up. The story line also allowed me to continue a larger subplot that kind of developed as I was working.

With Havoc I stayed more in the realm of mythology, so I wanted to get away from that for the next book and move more into European folklore and legend. For The Hanner Brid I also needed an antagonist that was similar to Diomedes in a lot of respects and an equal. I dug way into European folklore and early epic poems and tales and developed some great supporting characters. One of the things that’s important to me and the way I write is the use of pre-existing characters from folklore and legend. Everyone who talks about fairies mentions Queen Mab and probably Titania, but no one talks about Elegast, or Amoret or her sister Belphoebe. I doubt many know of Nicnevin, or Goibnu. But if Tolkien could do it—he took the Dvergar from the Poetic Edda and changed their names ever so slightly and called them dwarves in the Hobbit—why couldn’t I? They make for some awesome characters and they already have ties to our world.

The other thing I really like to do is incorporate real-life events into my books. So the Hanner Brid begins with the blackout that happened here in San Diego a few years back and ends with the death of Kim Jong Il. (I promise I make a connection that’s pretty cool.) For book three, tentatively called Requiem for the Fallen, I begin with the infamous axeman murders in New Orleans in 1919. That book revolves around the mythology of the fallen angels from the non-canonical Book of Enoch. I already even have storylines for books four through seven as well—all inspired by historical events and figures.

That’s the cool part of having a 3200 year old character–almost nothing is off limits.



Brian S. Leon is truly a jack-of-all-trades and a master of none. He began writing in order to do something with all the useless degrees, knowledge and skills–most of which have no practical application in civilized society–he accumulated over the years.

His varied interests include, most notably, mythology of all kinds and fishing, and he has spent time in jungles and museums all over the world studying and oceans and seas across the globe chasing fish, sometimes even catching them. He has also spent time in various locations around the world doing other things that may or may not have ever happened.

Inspired by stories of classical masters like Homer and Jules Verne, as well as modern writers like J.R.R. Tolkien, David Morrell and Jim Butcher, combined with an inordinate amount of free time, Mr. Leon finally decided to come up with tales of his own.

Brian currently resides in San Diego, California.


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This tour was organized by Good Tales Book Tours!

COVER REVEAL! Eternal Life, Eternal Battle… “Havoc Rising”!

I’m excited to reveal the cover for Havoc Rising, a new urban fantasy book by Brian S. Leon!

If you’d like to add this to your wishlist or watchlist, check out GoodReads for more information.

But for now, here’s the blurb:

Title: Havoc Rising
Author: Brian S. Leon
Publication Date: June 2015
Genre: Urban Fantasy

Eternal life. Eternal battle.

Steve—Diomedes Tydides to his Trojan War buddies—just had a bad day on his charter fishing boat in San Diego, but when the goddess Athena calls on her faithful warrior for another secret mission, he’s ready. The bomb that exploded inside the Metropolitan Museum of Art isn’t the crime American authorities think it is. Someone also stole the Cup of Jamshid, and Diomedes knows its fortune-telling abilities won’t be used for anything benign.

Though Diomedes recovers the Cup from a determined shaman holed up beneath Central Park, when he finds his allies slain and the Cup taken once more, he knows he’s up against a truly powerful enemy. Over a millennium has passed since Diomedes last contended with Medea of Colchis, deranged wife of Jason the Argonaut, but neither her madness nor her devotion to Hecate, goddess of witchcraft, has waned, and she intends to use the Cup of Jamshid to release across the world a dark brand of chaos unseen in human history.

Immortal since the Trojan War, Diomedes must once again fight for mortals he understands less and less, against a divine evil he may never truly defeat.


Author Bio:

Brian S. Leon is truly a jack-of-all-trades and a master of none. He began writing in order to do something with all the useless degrees, knowledge, and skills–most of which have no practical application in civilized society–he accumulated over the years.

His varied interests include, most notably, mythology of all kinds and fishing, and he has spent time in jungles and museums all over the world, studying and oceans and seas across the globe chasing fish, sometimes even catching them. He has also spent time in various locations around the world doing other things that may or may not have ever happened.

Inspired by stories of classical masters like Homer and Jules Verne, as well as modern writers like J.R.R. Tolkien, David Morrell, and Jim Butcher, combined with an inordinate amount of free time, Mr. Leon finally decided to come up with tales of his own.